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1. Thief Fan Missions Rankings

There aren't too many rankings of FMs out there, so here's my personal ranking list. A 10 would be the best level I have ever played (in all thief games), while a 1 would be the worst. This list should be spoiler free.

/10 Src Mission Notes
10 FM CoSaS2: Mission X I have no idea how anyone is ever going to top this.
10 FM Calendra's Legacy I actually felt like I was in a 'living', breathing city.
10 T1 The Sword The gold standard of level design, storytelling, and atmosphere
9 FM CoSaS1: Gathering At the Inn Provides many options, with every option seeming grounded/real
9 T2 Shipping and Receiving This level exposes so much about the world, while being super fun.
9 T2 Blackmail A classic, which plays great all the way through!
9 T2 Life of the Party Somehow this level feels larger than all the others combined.
9 T2 Casing the Joint A mansion specifically built with secrets to find!
9 TBP The Long Shadow Falls An excellent heist mission, if only there were more secrets.
9 2x Unexpected Shelter Super linear, but a fantastic intro.
9 FM Calendra's Cistern A fantasic, fleshed out city with tons of secrets and paths.
9 TBP Kept away from view Lots of little details and quite an exciting premise!
8 FM The Tower Shockingly small level for the content.
8 T1 Assasins The first mission where I realized I loved this game.
8 T1 Break From Cragscleft Prison  
8 T1 The Lost City The map in this mission is a work of art.
8 T2 Framed Starts off very linear, but explodes after that.
8 T2 First City Bank And Trust The bank itself is great, but the basement is rather weak.
8 T2 Precious Cargo The twist in this level is great, and there's lots to explore here.
8 TBP Jaws of Darkness Fantastically huge with tons of detail, but much too linear for me.
8 2x The Trials That Shape Us So many secrets to find in an unassuming setting!
8 2x The Redistribution Game I like the mix between buildings and caves here.
8 GB Slipping Away Very solid level, unfortunately lacking use of the rope arrow.
8 GB The Final Thread A great level, with tons of secrets. Great callbacks as well!
8 TBP The Brand Every area kept expanding out with more and more content
8 TBP Death's Dominion A much larger and more intricate undead level than I expected
7 T1 The Haunted Cathedral I like how the map isn't completely accurate here!
7 TG Song of the Caverns A weak start leads in to an unexpected and cool finish.
7 T1 Undercover TG shows its age most in this level, but still a blast.
7 T1 Strange Bedfellows Great moment story wise.
7 T1 Lord Bafford's Manor Seemed too normal/standard to resonate with me.
7 T2 Running Interference Starting T2 off with a bang.
7 T2 Eavesdropping Great progression of objectives here.
7 2x Of Ill Repute Starts off pretty standard, but the inn is fun to explore.
7 2x The Grand Hotel  
7 GB Impious Pilgrimage Really cool innovation, tempered with horrible caves and maps.
7 TBP Where Old Faces Fade Reminds me a lot of "The sword" - but does not do enough with it.
7 TBP Trial of Iron Plenty of secret passages and rope-arrow use balances the plainness.
7 TBP Arcane Sanctum Really great opening with some nice moments, but frustrating overall
6 FM Rowena's Curse Story is fantastic, but the level has a critical path.
6 T1 Down in the Bonehoard Parts of this mission are fantastic, but the mazes are painful.
6 TG The Mage Towers The first half is great, but later on quickly becomes a grind.
6 T1 Escape The premise here is very cool, but gameplay is weak.
6 T2 Kidnap The callback is very cool, but running in caves isn't great.
6 T2 Sabotage at Soulforge Lots of interesting mechanics, but pretty sad for a last level.
6 2x Shadowing the Enemy Notable for the 3 stages of the mission, but otherwise bland.
6 2x Betrayal The start of this mission was amazing. Overall a serviceable end.
6 TBP Return to the City Lots of detail and verticality, but a lot of dead ends too.
5 FM The 7 Sisters  
5 T2 Trail of Blood Seemed too linear and uninteresting for my taste.
5 2x The Art of Deception Maybe the nicest city map I've played…
4 T2 Trace The Courier Has nice spots, but overall not fun
4 2x While the City Sleeps I don't understand why everyone keeps making these street maps.
4 2x A Question of Knowledge This mission got very repetitive, and secrets weren't common.
4 2x The Cure Such a large level, but dealing with this many undead isn't fun.
3 T1 Into the Maw of Chaos Story wise, very exciting, but the level on its own is weak.
3 2x Down Among Dead Men Not a fan of this undead mission…
2 TG Thieves' Guild Lots of long, long tunnels.
2 T2 Masks This would be a great level, if it wasn't a duplicate.
2 2x Into the Fray There are changes, but too similar for me.
1 T1 Return to the Cathedral The hidden objectives here were more painful than fun.

Author: root


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